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Alliterated Bible Sermon Expository Outlines

[Following is an overview of what the entire Bible looks like]


I. The Predictions About Jesus (Genesis Thru Malachi)
    A. The Pentateuch: The Pillar For Jesus (Genesis - Deuteronomy)
        1. Jesus Is Our Source (Genesis)
        2. Jesus Is Our Safety (Exodus)
        3. Jesus Is Our Sacrifice (Leviticus)
        4. Jesus Is Our Sustenance (Numbers)
        5. Jesus Is Our Spokesman (Deuteronomy)

    B. The Past: The Preparation For Jesus (Joshua - Esther)
        1. Jesus Is Our Success (Joshua)
        2. Jesus Is Our Supreme Court (Judges)
        3. Jesus Is Our Successor (Ruth)
        4. Jesus Is Our Sanctifier (1 Samuel)
        5. Jesus Is Our Sovereign (2 Samuel)
        6. Jesus Is Our Sanctuary (1 Kings)
        7. Jesus Is Our Splendor (2 Kings)
        8. Jesus Is Our Straightener (1 Chronicles)
        9. Jesus Is Our Significance (2 Chronicles)
        10. Jesus Is Our Scribe (Ezra)
        11. Jesus Is Our Stronghold (Nehemiah)
        12. Jesus Is Our Supporter (Esther)

    C. The Poets: The Passion of Jesus (Job - Song of Solomon)
        1. Jesus Is Our Stamina (Job)
        2. Jesus Is Our Song (Psalms)
        3. Jesus Is Our Shrewdness (Proverbs)
        4. Jesus Is Our Satisfaction (Ecclesiastes)
        5. Jesus Is Our Spouse (Song of Solomon)

    D. The Prophets: The Prophecies of Jesus (Isaiah - Malachi)
        1. The Major Prophets (Isaiah - Daniel)
            a. Jesus Is Our Sufferer (Isaiah)
            b. Jesus Is Our Standard (Jeremiah)
            c. Jesus Is Our Sympathy (Lamentations)
            d. Jesus Is Our Scrutinizer (Ezekiel)
            e. Jesus Is Our Stone (Daniel)
        2. The Minor Prophets (Hosea - Malachi)
            a. Jesus Is The Supreme Love of God (Hosea)
            b. Jesus Is The Sure Day of God (Joel)
            c. Jesus Is The Stubborn World of God (Amos)
            d. Jesus Is The Sweeping Rule of God (Obadiah)
            e. Jesus Is The Steadfast Grace of God (Jonah)
            f. Jesus Is The Settled Will of God (Micah)
            g. Jesus Is The Strict Judgments of God (Nahum)
            h. Jesus Is The Superior Methods of God (Habakkuk)
            i. Jesus Is The Strange Ways of God (Zephaniah)
            j. Jesus Is The Simple Goal of God (Haggai)
            k. Jesus Is The Successful Hope in God (Zechariah)
            l. Jesus Is The Sworn Promise of God (Malachi)

II. The Presence of Jesus (Matthew - John)
    A. Jesus Is The Sovereign of Man Who Came To  Seek and Sway (Mt)
    B. Jesus Is The Servant of Man Who Came To Serve (Mark)
    C. Jesus Is The Son of Man Who Came To Share (Luke)
    D. Jesus Is The Son of God Who Came To Save (John)

III. The Pronouncements of Jesus (Acts)

IV. The Prescriptions of Jesus (Romans - Jude)
    A. Jesus Is The Satisfaction of All Things (Romans)
    B. Jesus Is The Solution To All Things, Part 1 (1 Corinthians)
    C. Jesus Is The Solution To All Things, Part 2 (2 Corinthians)
    D. Jesus Is The Sole Savior of All Things (Galatians)
    E. Jesus Is The Sum of All Things (Ephesians)
    F. Jesus Is The Supplier of All Things (Philippians)
    G. Jesus Is The Source of All Things (Colossians)
    H. Jesus Is The Stimulation of All Things, Part 1 (1 Thessalonians )
    I. Jesus Is The Stimulation of All Things, Part 2 (2 Thessalonians )
    J. Jesus Is The Singular Mediator of All Things (1 Timothy)
    K. Jesus Is The Stability of All Things (2 Timothy)
    L. Jesus Is The Structure of All Things (Titus)
    M. Jesus Is The Sponsor of All Things (Philemon)
    N. Jesus Is The Superior of All Things (Hebrews)
    O. Jesus Is The Standard of All Things (James)
    P. Jesus Is The Substance of All Things (1 Peter)
    Q. Jesus Is The Stronger of All Things (2 Peter)
    R. Jesus Is The Spring of All Things (1 John)
    S. Jesus Is The Soundness of All Things (2 John)
    T. Jesus Is The Sociability of All Things (3 John)
    U. Jesus Is The Spectator of All Things (Jude)

IV. The Protection of Jesus (Revelation)

Alliterated Bible Sermon Expository Outlines
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